Current Exhibitions

The museum galleries are closed to the public due to modification processes of the Edward Durell Stone building.

Ars liberalis: The Art of the Academy

The establishment of the first art academies during the Renaissance was motivated by a desire to elevate art, especially painting and sculpture, to the status of a liberal and intellectual discipline, on par with other areas of human knowledge such as grammar and mathematics.

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The Underlying Image

Technical documentation has become an essential resource for the knowledge of the physical history of artworks. Non-invasive techniques, such as radiography (X-rays), infrared photography (IR), and transmitted infrared photography (IRT) reveal information that the naked eye cannot perceive.

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Seen Things: The Everyday in Modern Painting

Church’s Gallery of the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, in Santurce

The exhibition Seen Things: The Everyday in Modern Painting is the sixth installment of the partnership between the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico and the Museo de Arte de Ponce. It explores significant transformative changes in Western painting during the second half of the 19th century.

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The Sense of Beauty: Six Centuries of Painting from Museo de Arte de Ponce

February 23 to June 22, 2025
Meadows Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas

In the early 1950s, Luis A. Ferré and his wife, Lorencita Ramírez de Arellano, conceived the project of founding an art museum for the enjoyment of their fellow citizens. Soon after, Ferré began to purchase works of art for the institution that he intended to establish in Ponce.

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