Anton J. Konrad Conservation Center
The Anton J. Konrad Conservation Center, named after its founder, was established in 1979 to conserve and maintain the Museo de Arte de Ponce’s permanent collection. The Conservation Center was the first specialized space dedicated to the preservation of works of art in Puerto Rico. Today, it also lends professional advice to other cultural institutions.
Anton J. Konrad Conservation Center
The Anton J. Konrad Conservation Center, named after its founder, was established in 1979 to conserve and maintain the Museo de Arte de Ponce’s permanent collection. The Conservation Center was the first specialized space dedicated to the preservation of works of art in Puerto Rico. Today, it also lends professional advice to other cultural institutions.
Anton J. Konrad Conservation Center
With the purpose of collaborating with the preservation of the artistic and historical heritage of Puerto Rico, the Conservation Center offers the following services:
- Advice on the conservation of paintings, works on paper, sculptures and three-dimensional objects, on the first Thursdays of each month, by appointment.
- Restoration treatment evaluations of individual works or complete collections, with recommendations for short- and long-term maintenance.
- Restoration treatments for paintings, frames, sculptures, three-dimensional objects, works on paper and other objects.
- Restoration treatments to stabilize art collections and return objects, as far as possible, to their original condition.
- Preventive conservation treatments to prevent any damage prior to the transport of the works of art or drastic changes in the environment.
- Advice on the preparation of works of art prior to natural disasters, assistance with recovery, and help in the preparation of short- and long-term conservation plans.
- On-site condition surveys of large-scale works of art or fragile objects.
- General advice on native woods (anatomy, behavior and conservation) used by the Puerto Rican artisan and artistic community in the creation of santos, toys and sculptures.
- Monthly tours (the first Thursday of each month) for school or university groups of the center's facilities to observe collections undergoing conservation or restoration treatment.
- Advice on packing and transporting collections.
The Conservation Center has 3,420 square feet and is located on the second floor of the annex building. It is divided into 3 service areas:
- Conservation of paintings
- Conservation of works of art on paper
- Conservation of sculptures and three-dimensional objects.